Your Résumé – presenting your best version of you to get the job you want!

You celebrated Grade 12 graduation in 2022, enjoyed ‘school’ holidays, Uni is not for you so it’s time to focus and find that first career job.

Regardless of the job opportunity, most employers will request a Résumé as part of the application process. The Résumé is one of the key tools in securing the job you want so it’s worth investing time to present the best version of you so that you make the cut for the interview or the next stage of the process. If there are many applicants for a job, your Résumé can help you stand out.

Keep it simple but professional and ensure key information is included and evident to the reader (think busy people). Formatting is important – your Résumé should be easy to read and the information organised, use headings and a uniform font e.g. Calibri or Arial; and limit to two pages.

Your name and contact details are your most valuable assets - ensure they are prominent.

Other key information (as a minimum) to include

  • Your contact information: full name, mobile phone number, a professional email address  –e.g. or

  • List your key attributes/strengths – e.g. 5 dot points -  reliable, work well in a team

  • Education – High School | Year achieved | years of attendance and key subject results or ATAR | any certificates

  • Specific role/s at High School e.g. Student Council member

  • Awards and include any Scholarships

  • Work History paid and unpaid – include part-time job/s while at school and also any work experience | most recent up front

  • Community and volunteering: club memberships and list any volunteer activities

  • Names and contact details of at least two referees (not family)

From a personal perspective, employers are looking for someone who is willing to work, is respectful, will follow instructions and works well with others – in summary, a well-rounded person.

Check your Résumé – ensure information is accurate, spelling is correct and formatting consistent; it is recommended that you have someone check your Résumé, either a teacher or trusted family friend. You also have the option to seek professional advice on how to present your Résumé.

Your Résumé is your investment in YOU and YOUR FUTURE.

CareerForce Australia provides a range of professional services in relation to Résumé development and job applications.

For more information contact Maree:

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